The Incredible Hulk: The Pantheon Saga

Special thanks to Stephen Davidson, who supplied the following tips.

This walkthrough is for the easy mode. There's really no reason to do it on the harder modes because the endings are the same. Plus, easy is more faithful to the characters' actual abilities.


Landing Bay - Do this as outlined in the instruction manual, with one additional step. In the room with the final elevator switch, smash the floor in the middle of the yellow-outlined square. Pick-ups. 100% of the secrets.

Pantheon Battle Ground - First, hit all of the circles against the back wall to disable the force field. Go through the doorway (dodging gunfire), to the right, and you'll meet Hector. Running Shoulder-Charges (the most useful attack in the game) will finish him off. If he blocks, run back and try again. After you beat him, continue to the right. Jump across the platforms, and you'll find Ulysses. He's somewhat hard to hit. Run around in circles and work on with the Shoulder-Charges. He'll often block and counter-attack. If your energy gets too low, run around without attacking to build it back up. If you get him to the point where he is almost beaten and you have plenty of energy left, toe-to-toe fighting will finish him. After you beat him, go back to the left, across the platforms, through the doorway, and to the back of the room. You'll find an elevator. Go up it. Here comes Atalanta. Running Shoulder-Charges and Jumping Kicks are the key, along with lots of running around (while you wait for her to come down from flying). When she's moderately high in the air, use the Jumping Kicks. When she's at ground-level, use the Shoulder-Charges. She can be very hard to hit, so be patient and use the loads of pick-ups in the area. When you beat her, go through the exit in the back of the room. If anyone gets all of the secrets in this area, e-mail me.

Ecosystem - The whole point here is simply to beat Ajax. He's on the other side of the waterfall, to the right. Stay close to him, but not close enough to get hit. Wait for him to swing with a punch (you may have to weave in and out to get him to do this), then run in with a Shoulder-Charge. Run away a few steps until he swings again, then hit him again. Keep this up until you beat him. Go under the waterfall for some pick-ups. From where you started, go to the right and up, go up the ridge, and keep an eye on the ridge above you. When that one flattens out, smash its side. Secret room and pick-ups. Now, stand to the left of the waterfall. Go left. Pass a tree. You'll come to a bush. Walk through it, towards the TV screen. After you drop, go left and inside the little nook. You'll be transported to a secret level. You can find two Emergency Team pick-ups here. Time will run out. 100% of the secrets.

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Main Entrance - From the beginning, run back towards the TV screen until you can't go any more. Take a step or two back towards the gate, and smash the wall to the left. Pick-ups and one enemy are inside. Return to the gate. Hit the block on the left of it to open it. Go through. Lots of enemies, but no big problem if you take care of them first (with Shoulder-Charges). Eventually, you'll work your way down to about 5 purple ones that you keep having to fend off. No biggie. Use the floor smash on the circle in the center of the room. On the right side of the room, in the back corner, in front of the wall with the breakable stained-glass window, go under the upper floor, smash the wall, and go through. Here, you will get the first piece of the Time Machine. Go back out the doorway and through the exit in the back of the room. 100% of the secrets.

Underground Dungeon - Go across the platforms. When you reach the other side, you will see some breakable stained-glass windows. After breaking them, one of them tempts you with a pick-up. DO NOT GO THROUGH!!! It will automatically take you to the end of the level, and you will miss some very important pick-ups. Keep going to the right. You will come to a puzzle. you will see 3 stacked blocks. Place one block on the center square to keep enemies from surfacing. Go to the wall directly behing the upper left square. Jump and punch. Use one of the other blocks to get up there to the pick-ups. Now, place one block on each of the left squares. Remove the center block and place it on the upper right square. Beat any enemies, then stand on the lower right square. After the gate to the right completely opens, run through it before it closes. Go all the way across the lava (jumping through the actual lava, if you have to), to the upper right corner against the back wall. Regain energy by standing on the little platform, if need be. Jump up to the platform to the left. Go through the doorway. You'll be transported to a place with the second part of the Time Machine. Grab it and come towards the TV screen. You'll come out of one of the first stained-glass windows. Go back the way you did before, but go the floor on the other side of the lava. The last jump is hard, because you'll keep getting shot. Recover as needed on the second-to-last platform. When you get through, go to the right until you reach a puzzle. Just keep stepping on the squares until they are all pressed down. Hulk's big ol' feet make this nearly impossible to work through strategy. :) The gates will then rise and free Piecemeal's hostages. Go into the back cell for a pick-up and the first cell to hit a switch in the lower right corner. This will open a gate in the room in the back of the puzzle-room. grab the Emergency Team pick-up. Go back to the left. Go through the door in the back that you passed as you came out of the lava room. You'll reach another lava room. Run all the way to the right. Jump across the lava and go to the steps. To the left of the steps on a platform in the lava is an invincibility icon. Grab it, then go up the steps. Hit Piecemeal with Shoulder-Charges and Punches. He should run away. Follow him. 100% of the secrets.

Piecemeal Main Hall - Go through the gate to the left by hitting the switch next to it. Go into the nook and hit that switch. Go back where you started and go through the gate to the right after hitting it switch. Go through. Hit the next switch (that's 4 in this stage) against the right wall. Go up. You'll come to a place against the left wall where you can break the wooden barriers and go into the main room. First, break the wall opposite the wooden barriers. Pick-ups. Go into the main room. Go to the left side. Piecemeal will be waiting. Run until you see him strike at you, then run back and hit him with a Shoulder-Charge. Keep it up until you beat him. Go to the upper right corner of the main room and smash the wall. Pick-ups. Go the left side of the room, through to the left hallway. Go down. Halfway between the hallway entrance and the point where you can't go down any more, smash the left wall. Pick-ups. Go to the lower middle section of the room and go through the gate (opened by siwtch #2 and switch #4). Touch Agamemnon. 100% of the secrets.

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Ice Flow - Just follow the path it takes you on. Don't worry too much about falling in. You'll lose some energy and go back a little, but that's all. I'm looking for any secrets in this section. If you have any, let me know.

Freon Cave - You'll strt out, and Trauma will be waiting, along with some of his Troops. Beat the Troops and then go after Trauma, dodging his gunfire. If you can damage him here, and manage not to fall in the water or die at all in this section, the damage will stay with him. If you fall in or die, he'll gain all of his energy back for the fight with him at the end. When you get to the part where ice blocks begin to fall all around you, you'll see one of Trauma's Troops shooting from inside the back wall. Go in the cubby hole, beat the Troop, and hit the button. Continue on to the right, now. When you climb up to the taller platform after the hailing ice blocks, beat the Troops, and then do a Ground Smash. Pickups. Come to the front end of the platform. Make a running jump to the right, and landon a small, high platform. Jump forward to the next, and forward to a third. Now, jump to the one you see against the back wall, using a running jump. Jump right to the next one, and right to another. Now, jump like there is another one the same distance away as the last two jumps you made, even though you can't see one. You'll fall to one below you. Do a running jump towards the screen, and a little to the right to the next platform. Jump back and to the right for the next one. Now jump to safe ground. Beat Trauma's Troops. Smash the wall in the back. Pickups. Continue to the right. Just drop off the side. Jump across the moving ice platforms. When you reach safe ground again, you'll get another chance to damage Trauma. Hit him until he disappears. Go down the step at the back of the platform, a run across the ice bridge. Beat Trauma's Troops going up the steps. Now, you fight Trauma. Your best bet is to free Atalanta from her ice-prison first, with Shoulder-Charges. If you start to get low on power (at any time during the fight), go back down the steps you came up and regain your energy. Do your best to stay away from the edges. It would also help to call on a Pantheon member, or two, to help in the fight. Once Atalanta is free, she will fire at Trauma. Help her aim by running small circles around him in the middle of the platform until she stops firing. When she's gone, Shoulder-Charges are your best strategy, along with hitting and running. Beat him, and move on to the next section. E-mail me with any more secrets.

Ozone Cannon - Ride the platform, ducking and jumping as needed, until it stops. Oh, look! Another moving platform! No big deal, right? Except that you control the directions it goes AND you still control Hulk. Keep Hulk centered, even if it means you'll move the ice in the wrong direction for a second. Avoid bombs laying in the water, if you can. Go to the right, and into the next room. Go up, through the passageway. Jump to safe ground when you get there and smash the back wall. Trauma's Troops and pickups. Get back on you ice platform and go down. Some bridges, you have to duck under, some you have to jump on, and some you just move around. When you get to the end, you'll come to safe ground on your left. Move the platform all the way against it, then back against the last ice block you moved around. Jump into it. Now, jump on top of it. Move to the right edge, and do a running jump back the way you came on the ice platform. You'll land on another ice block. From the left ledge, run and jump back again. You'll land on another one. Run and jump back again from the left ledge. You'll land on the block with all of the pickups on it. Make sure you get the Emergency Team pickup. If you don't fall off, go back across the blocks, to the platform, then to the safe ground. If you do fall off, it's no big deal. You'll just go back to where you first got on the controllable ice platform. Just go all the way back to where you were before you started jumping across the ice blocks. If you got the Emergency Team pickup, that's all you really need. If you didn't, go back and make sure you do. Okay, moving on. When you're on safe ground, move to the left. Jump up the falling platforms in the waterfall until you reach safe ground again on the left. Beat Trauma's Troops. Now, for the hardest part of the game. When you drop off the ledge to the left, you have to beat Lazarus AND destroy his Ozone Cannon in 60 seconds, or less, before it blows. *sigh* Okay, just kick Lazarus, back up a step, and kick him again. Beat him that way. Now, start destroying the Cannon. You have to destroy each of three sections of the Cannon: the left side, the right side, and the front. Hit each side of each little part of each section until smoke rises from every square on the top of the Cannon. If smoke is rising from every square at the top of any of the sections, pound that section until an explosion goes off. Get all three sections to emit an explosion. Atalanta is a big help against the Cannon. 100% of the secrets.

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Destroyed Landing Bay - The U-Foes have arrived at the Mount. You thought that YOU did a lot of damage to it in the first level! They've trashed the place. You're not gonna let them get away with that, are you? Well, if you're not, here's what you do. First, beat all of the little flying things. Now, go to the waterfall. Gently drop off the opening, and get the pickups. Go into the cubby hole to be transported back up. Now, hit the switch at the far right side of the elevated path. Go back to the door. You can hit both sides of the doorframe and unveil two identical little symbols, but I'm not sure what they do. Go in the door. 100% of the secrets.

Destroyed Ecosystem - Ironclad attacks you right away. The best strategy is to stay close. Run away just a couple of steps. After he swings at you, turn around and kick him. Do this until you beat him. Hit the switch in the bottom right cubby hole, dealing with flying enemies as necessary. Go back to the left, and up the ramp. Bust open the back door at the top of the ramp with Shoulder-Charges. Do a Ground Smash in the yellow-lined square on the floor. Go down through the lasers, then left into the room. X-Ray is waiting. Hit the switch in the back left of the room on the upper ramp. To beat X-Ray, throw things at him. Nothing else will work, except for other Pantheon members. When he's beaten, go down, and to the left, then up through the hall. Hit the switch as you go. Go through the door. Hit the switch. Fall down the hole. 100% of the secrets.

Agamemnon's Inner Sanctum - Vector isn't that hard. Shoulder-Charges will beat him, especially when he's shooting in one direction, and you hit him from another. Go to the left of the steps, through the water, and all the way to the back. Smash the back wall. Pickups. Touch Agamemnon. Must've done something to bypass Vapor. Any more secrets, e-mail me.

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This is my favorite level. It requires thinking AND fighting, just like the story it's adapted from. Beat every statue that attacks you. Only four of them will attack. Hit them until they freeze. When they freeze, kick them. They will shatter, and you will get a piece of the Time Machine, unless you've already gotten that particular piece in another level. When you have all four pieces, focus on the Maestro. Pound him with Shoulder-Charges until he freezes. Now, go into the room on the right. You will see a screen with controls underneath it, and the Time Machine in the middle of the floor. Go up to the screen. It will tell you what piece to use by flashing it on the screen. Pause the game, hit select, choose the right piece, hit select, and unpause. Then, find the right combination for the switches below the screen, so that the image of the piece on the screen turns orange. Now, go onto the Time Machine. You will be transported to a hidden room with pickups, and another machine to put the next piece into. When the next piece is in, fall out of the front of the room, and go back to the Time Machine to be taken to the next hidden room. When all four pieces of the Time Machine have been entered, go back to the Maestro. If he is no longer paralyzed, beat on him until he is again. Then, push him onto the Time Machine and hit the switch in the back left corner of the room. I need any secrets for this level. YOU WIN!!! I hope my strategy guide helped you through any difficult parts for you. Again, e-mail me with any questions, comments, or additional pointers. Thank you.

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